15 Gratitude Journal Prompts

In the midst of the Corona Virus, most of the world is at home. I thought I would create 15 journaling prompts to consider while we have some extra time to think and reflect. Journaling is one of my most used self care tools. There is something about moving our thoughts from being bottled up inside to getting it out on to the paper. I am a journal fanatic so I have all kinds of journals sitting around. But you don’t need anything fancy. Just use a regular notebook or simply pen and paper and begin to write as you reflect on these prompts.

These prompts are just to get you started. After this, simply write down the thing you are thankful for every day. A list of subjects is on the first page and the more detailed writing prompts are on the second page. I pray that through this exercise you will come to appreciate what you have and all that God has blessed you with.

Praying blessings and good health upon you all.

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