The Beauty of Jesus

Time with Jesus in worship is a time of surrender that I simply could not live without.  I raise my hands and release everything that is weighing me down in that moment without having to say a word, because He already knows.  The peace found in the act of worship is as necessary to me as breathing.

Jesus is the one whom I spend time with and allow to pour into me everything I need to live.  He knows it all. He knows everything about you and me. The good, the bad and the ugly. There is no hiding from Him.  There is no place we can hide that His love will not find us. 

As a child I found myself running to Jesus as a lifeline and a friend.  As an adult He is my comfort, my joy and my help.  He is the only one who I know, without a doubt, will never hurt me, who always has my best interest at heart, and loves me perfectly.

Sometimes, when I feel lost, confused or troubled I simply need to be in the presence of the Lord, experiencing His beauty.  I don’t want to be rebuked or preached to.  I just want to feel what I am feeling in the moment and allow Jesus to comfort me and speak to whatever it is that I am going though.  As I spend time with Him in worship, He speaks to me - gently correcting and leading me.

For those of you who do not know Jesus, allow me to introduce Him to you.  He is indeed the way, the truth and the light.  the son of God. He is the one who suffered, and was crucified as a sacrifice for your sin so that you would be reconciled with His father.  He is the one who will always fight for you - just as He did as the life was draining out of him on the cross by praying, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”.  What a beautiful Christ. What a beautiful savior who continues, even now, to intercede on our behalf. 

Jesus saved me at one of the lowest points in my life.  I will forever be in His debt.  He literally loved me out of the pit I was in and gently led me into the light - so I will forever love Him, praise Him, worship Him and lift Him up.  I will forever offer Him to others as the best thing that has ever happened to me.  

I offer Him to you today and invite you to consider Christ.  I offer Him to you as safety, comfort, savior and friend.  The beauty of Christ, evidenced by the love, forgiveness and peace He provides will transform your life. You have nothing to lose but everything to gain by accepting Him into your heart and into your life, today.