Three Amazing Devotionals To Read

Engaging in time with God daily is the highest form of self care for me.  It is the time where I can just be Marsha.  Open, honest and completely transparent.  Having a specifically purposed time set aside to connect with God in worship and the study of His word is life sustaining.  When you study His word and write the contents of it on your heart, you are building up a storage so that when trouble comes, when those hard trials hit, you will have the tools and the strength to endure.

Pray Read Scribe Worship - My Devotion Routine

I prefer engaging in my devotion time in the morning when I wake up.  Most days I use a guided devotion, but sometimes I am led to focus on a particular scripture.  I must admit that sometimes I stay in bed as I work through my devotion routine.

First, I pray, then read a written devotion and enter into study of the content and the scriptural reference provided.  I pray for understanding and the  application of the text to my behavior.  After reading and praying for understanding I write my thoughts on the devotion topic and any questions or struggles I have in relation.  After completing the devotion I move into my worship time.  I typically play a worship song and meditate upon the content of the song while I allow God to speak to my heart.  I always end my time asking God to use me for the building of His kingdom and to give me the strength and resolve to always represent Him so that others might know and believe in Him.

My Top 3 Devotionals

40 Days On The Narrow Road by Dr. Barry Settle

This is an excellent guided devotion that does an outstanding job of leading us to be mindful of staying on the narrow road that leads to life and staying off of the broad road that leads to destruction.  It is so good.  As evidenced by the title, this devotion is 40 days so there are 40 guided devotions.  As a community, we walked through this devotion as part of Lent, but I find myself revisiting these devotions again and again.  You can purchase the devotional here.

You Version - Bible

You Version is a free application that allows you to choose specific topics of the devotions you want to focus on.  A while back I was struggling with finding peace in my workplace.  I entered peace in the workplace and several devotions were suggested.  You version has devotions from 3 days all the way up to 365 days, such as walking through the Bible in a year.  Another thing I love about You Version is the social media aspect of the application.  You can create groups for Bible studies or walk through a devotion with friends.  You can also choose to make your devotion choices public and have people follow you.  Feel free to follow me: Marsha Myers.  I also love that this app will send you notification reminders to read your devotion.  

*On the App Store enter you version bible to find the app.

Jesus Calling

Jesus Calling is a tried and true devotional that never disappoints.  Each day there is a new devotional and I love that there is a note taking feature built into the app.  Sometimes I will read this devotion at work where I do not have my devotion journal available.  It is nice to be able to jot down notes right inside of the app.  I have the free version of the app but you can purchase a premium version which enables the audio feature which will read the devotion to you.  This is great so that you can listen in the car or as you are exercising, etc.  Jesus Calling is one of my favorites.  

*On the App Store enter Jesus Calling to find the app.

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Joshua 1:8

It is my prayer that you carve out some set aside time to spend with God for the purpose of the study of His word and in communion with Him.  It will change your perspective and your heart.