I started Modern Day Christian Chick because I wanted to primarily reach out to those who do not believe in Christ. You can read all about how the blog was birthed here. I prayed about the name of the blog for some time. Modern means relating to the present and I felt led to have that word somewhere in the name of my blog. Modern only relates to a present and updated way of presenting the Gospel. The Word of God remains the same and must not be compromised. I strive to model my approach to ministry after that of Jesus - a loving gentle approach to those who are hurting and to those who are unbelievers.

I believe the way we present the Gospel and minister to folk is critical. We have got to move out of the way and allow the Word of God to speak directly to people’s issues and situations. I’m always taken back to the woman at the well and Jesus’ interaction with her there. Here you have a woman who had an issue of promiscuity and infidelity. She was actively living a life that was contrary to the laws of God. Jesus very easily could have admonished the woman pointing out that she was a harlot, running around with several men in a condemning tone. Instead, He told her all about herself while showing His infinite love and redeeming her all at the same time. You can read about it here. That interaction forever changed her heart, and she told many about Jesus and what He had done for her. For me, this is the ultimate model and God has led me into this kind of interaction with folk.

Ive found that removing the judgmental, “preachy” tone (I used to be this person) allows people to arrive at the conclusion that Jesus Christ is the way by seeing how the Gospel speaks to the human condition and has an answer to the malady of our hearts on their own. When folk are in pain, feeling as if all is lost, and they are either a Christian who is struggling with their faith or they don’t believe in God because of the pain they are experiencing, it is not the time to give a full sermonic dissertation on the book of Job. Are the lessons learned in Job beneficial? Yes. Is it appropriate to preach from the book at the moment when someone is pouring out their heart to you?, probably not. Show the compassion of Christ and then as the wound begins to heal begin to gently instruct them in the ways of God found in His word. (The book of Job does this magnificently).

Listen, everyone should operate in the gift of the ministry God has given them. There are some that constantly preach hell and damnation. Some have the ministry style of constant critique and correction as they perpetually tell folk what they are doing wrong. Some quote scripture incessantly with no explanation of how that scripture relates to the human condition or of its relevance to the person’s life. Let me drop an example of something that occurred recently: a few days ago I posted a video on my Instagram. I was sitting in the car before my church service and just felt led to hop on and try to provide a word of encouragement. (So many people in my sphere of influence are currently going through painful and difficult trials and most of them are not Christians). I was saying that no matter what you’ve done or situation you find yourself in you are still God’s child. My point was that even if you don’t believe in Him, understand that He is still your Father and loves and cares for you as His child. I later realized that someone commented on the post with the response that we are not all God’s children although we are created in His image. Sigh..….let me just say that I appreciate the interaction, and I am not arguing the point that was made. In fact, I believe that the person’s assertion is correct, however, what was really the point of the response to a word of encouragement? The children of God are clearly those who believe in Him, but the context in which I was speaking was to ensure that anyone listening would be assured of the fact that God loves them, as their Father. The Gospel should never be compromised in any way, but as in most things, timing and delivery is everything.

I have been blessed to witness many people who would not even entertain the idea of Christ come to know, love and follow Him. One of them is actually a co-worker of mine, who said “there is no way I can walk into a church, Marsha. I’m a straight sinner and I’m fine with that. I’m happy”. I told them that I was a sinner too, and the only difference between me and them is my acknowledgement that I didn’t want to live in that sin anymore and that by accepting Christ and repenting of that sin, I have been forgiven. The fact that they knew that the way they were living was classified as sin told me everything I needed to know to be able to minister to this person. They had a moral compass already. We just had to arrive at the conclusion that it was God who is the moral law giver and then the further discussions flowed from there. They began their journey and I ministered as the holy spirit led, but did not push.

It was a blessing to watch this person come to Christ. After further discussions I learned, as is usually the case, that their problem was not with God or His son Jesus, but with those in the church who had used the Word as a weapon of oppression and legalistic rhetoric as opposed to a tool of liberation for which it was designed. Oh church people, when will we ever get it? You cannot shame folk into salvation. Maybe that approach has worked for some, but based on what I have witnessed it is not effective. Will you spend eternity in hell if you do not accept Christ as your savior? Yes. I am just suggesting that perhaps you not lead with that. It is so beautiful to have a willing heart that loves the Lord, believes in Him and places their trust in Him. It is true that sin separates us from God, but there is absolutely nothing that can separate us from His love. I implore you, lead with love.

To the Christian, I challenge us to always present the case for Christ and His Gospel with gentleness and kindness. Never compromise the message but present it in love.
To the non Christian, I challenge you to always seek truth. Do not discard Christianity because of what some preacher or church person said or did to you. Is the Word of God relatable. Can it answer the philosophical questions that most ask when deciding on a world view. How doe the Word of God address origin, morality, meaning and destiny. What does it say about evil, justice, love and forgiveness. Seek God’s response to these questions and you will find truth. I believe that with just a little bit of faith and an open heart and mind to receive truth, you will find a loving Savior whose Gospel is synonymous with truth. As the old folk always say, you have nothing to loose and everything to gain.

May God bless and keep you…..