Journaling To Joy

About a year ago, I had reached a time in my life where I had to come to grips with the fact that I was unhappy with my life. In order to turn that around, I needed to take a look inward. Journaling is how I accomplished moving from unhappiness to joy. Joy is something that you should always have. Even in moment of unhappiness you should still posses joy. If you do not, it's time to look inward and run a check.

I deployed a three step process in my journaling to get back to joy:

1. I poured all of my thoughts and feelings onto the pages of my journal. This allowed me to have an honest conversation with myself.
2. I read aloud what I wrote and looked at those feelings through the lens of the Gospel. This afforded me to the opportunity to run a self assessment as to what was in my heart.
3. I prayed, asking God to heal my heart and remove anything from my heart that was not like Him.

I pray that this helps someone as they struggle through the difficult periods in their life.