Time is fleeting and our lives can change in the twinkling of an eye. God has given us the gift of life and the beauty of relationship not only with Him but with each other. It is our relationship with each other that is of utmost importance to God. He commands us to love one another.

I am currently navigating some major life changes and it has forced me to take inventory of my life and those things that are most important to me. Life is finite and we have no idea when we will no longer exist in these mortal bodies. The time that I have left I want to spend with people whom I love and doing things that bring me joy. Experiences far outweigh material possessions and sharing those experience with those you hold dear is even more special.

I am on a mission to be intentional about cultivating relationships. I have been blessed with an amazing village of folk I call friends. These are people who love me and I love them. They have been instrumental in my life and in the lives of my children. It is a blessing to know that if my daughters do not feel as if they can talk to me about something, that they are able to go to my friends and receive advice. You cannot just let anyone into your village, especially when you are entrusting them to provide counsel to your children. It was important to surround myself and my children with folk who pray - who love God and will dispense Godly advice.

“He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harms” -Proverbs 13:20

​I share often my struggle with depression and in the past I have allowed the weight of that spirit to prohibit me from spending quality time with my friends and from opportunities to create new relationships. In the last two years I have lost several friends, many of which were younger than me. It reminded me that life is indeed filled with swift transition and we must seize every moment. Theoretically, I knew this, however the realness and finality of their death was sobering and propelled me toward a change in behavior.
I have cleared space in my life to allow for the time needed to cultivate relationships. I now schedule time to spend with my friends and family. I have a monthly Sushi date with some very good girlfriends whom I just happen to work with. Taking the time out to just enjoy the company of my friends has been such a blessing to me. I encourage all of you to do the same. Call a friend who you haven’t spoken to in a while, just to say hello. Break bread with someone with whom you may have had a disagreement. Bridge the gap. Offer forgiveness and reconcile relationships when necessary. Friendship is a precious gift from God. Spend time with the ones you love before it is no longer an option.