Before all of the stay at home orders, business closures and face masks I was really ill. I had a flu that I could not shake. I decided to self quarantine and stayed at home a total of about 22 days. Things have changed since the time I was ill, but at the time, I was not a candidate for testing because I did not have a fever. I had several online and phone consultations with my doctor and am so thankful that after about 15 days I was feeling better. I stayed off additional time as not to expose a room full of essential co-workers and by extension their families. Thankfully, I have since returned to work and feeling just fine. God is good.
Like so many others I have used this time to purge. Once I felt better and returned to work, I started cleaning out closets and storage in my home. I started the process some months ago, however did not finish. Being relegated to home has given me the opportunity to complete some much needed home projects. Complete the projects around the house that you did not have time to do when you were running the streets. You will feel accomplished.
Journaling, brain dumping, reading, writing and working on passion projects. So thankful for this time to continue to discover and live my purpose. Gratitude Journaling in particular has kept me sane. Rona has pillaged, plundered and taken away so much from our daily lives. If you focus only on what you’v’e lost you will thrust yourself into a negative mindset. Meditating on and writing down all of the things that you still have and are grateful for will move you back into a positive and grateful mindset. I’m telling you, it’s a game changer.
Stand Up Straight and Sing - a beautifully written autobiography about the incomparable Jessye Norman. I could read this over and over - in fact I am reading it again during all of this downtime. So much wisdom and so many lessons about finding your voice, speaking truth and representing yourself authentically at all times and in every arena. I LOVE the opera. Jessye Norman, Leontyne Price are my sheros.
40 Days On The Narrow Road - a wonderful book comprised of 40 daily devotions. I utilized this book as I led the Modern Day Christian Chick Community on a 40 day Lenten devotion. Head on over to Instagram and follow @moderndaychristianchick where I documented the journey of walking through the 40 days of devotion. It was an amazing experience. The devotion will richly bless you. I find myself re-reading many of the devotions to stay on track during this time. I’m trying to stay on the narrow road y’all. Pray for me!
[Online Publications]
The Atlantic - One of my favorite magazines. I have the paid online subscription which has a great interface. The Atlantic has sound advice for navigating Covid and produces articles that address the social, economic and racial disparity impact that Covid has on diverse groups of people. The publication is a must read for all. Rona or no Rona. Great writing with fresh perspectives all while keeping it real. Love the Atlantic.
Just Wright - Although I do take issue with whomever dressed Queen Latifah, aka Leslie Wright in this movie, I love that the girl of substance won the man’s heart over the superficial girl. Bump your beauty standards! And also, Common.
It’s Complicated - I love Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin together in this Rom Com! I am here for every bit of love story that involves folk my age with a complicated marital history. Also, that house and her store! (If you’ve seen the movie you will know what I’m talking about).
Brown Sugar - Hip Hop. Black Love. That is all.
This Is Us - Exceptional TV. PERIODT!
A Million Little Things - The amazing intricacies of relationship. Love this show!
All of the Chicagos - Med, Fire and PD. The best!
Grey’s Anatomy - Shonda dealing with it.
Station 19 - Complicated relationships and friendships and how they are navigated wrapped up in a great Fire Fighter narrative. In love!
Big Little Lies - I grew up in Monterey, CA. Love seeing home on TV and great writing!
SEND HELP! Cody tried to take me out….
Peloton - As I am exercising more consistently I realize how integral exercise is to self care. I am very fortunate to have acquired a Peloton bike before Rona rolled up. The Peloton community has been amazing. Big shout to the women of Black Girl Magic: The Peloton Edition (BGM) a community supporting and celebrating black women on their fitness journey within the larger Peloton community. I have been blessed and encouraged by these amazing queens who inspire me every day. They fix and straighten crowns over at BGM and I am blessed to be a part of the community. Peloton also has so many other workouts that you can take advantage of such as boot camp, yoga, stretching, running, walking and strength training, all of which can be done at home. I am working at my own pace and feel so much better physically. Movement is a vital part of thriving and my undisciplined self finally feels like she’s track.
Stay connected to your friends and family. Don’t stay silent if you’re struggling and need help. We all need assistance from time to time and there is absolutely NO shame in that. REACH OUT!
This time in history is life altering and I believe it will change the way we operate going forward in a post Covid environment. It is my prayer that we learn to humble ourselves and pray, seek God’s face, then we will hear from Heaven and He will heal the land. We will survive Rona…..