Every year I like to choose a focus word that helps me frame my habits and practices in the new year.  Most are things I have already started working on but want to drill down on ensuring my success in those areas.  While you don’t have to wait for a new year to embark on something new, it is nice to take a retrospective look at the past year’s lessons and look forward to what is to come in the new year.

2019 was a rough year for me.  It was full of revelation, disappointment, self discovery and pain - all of which I am thankful for because all of it  paved the road back to joy and peace in my life.  Tried in the fire, out as pure gold as they say.  If I am honest, I still regret some of the life decisions I’ve made, but one will go insane constantly looking back(just ask Lot’s wife) and longing for what was missing.  So, I have learned to focus on the things I do have as opposed to the things I don’t, and while I have made vast improvements in this area I am nowhere close to where I need to be.  The journey continues.

In an attempt to move toward my goal of living a life of gratitude, my focus word for 2020 is stewardship.  I commit to the  careful and responsible management of what God has entrusted to my care.  It is my desire to live an all inclusive life of stewardship.  I have been blessed with so much and realize that dwelling on what I don’t have is ingratitude.  When I say, “things” I am not speaking of material things.  I strive to be a better steward focussing more closely on the following areas:  Finance, Spiritual Gifts, Service to Others, and Gratitude.

Finance - I commit to being a better steward of the monetary resources God has blessed me with so that I can do more for those who have been cast aside, overlooked and marginalized by society.  I don’t know about you but I want to do more.  

Spiritual Gifts - I commit to using the gifts of the spirit that God has bestowed upon me to bless others, lift up the name of Jesus and prayerfully lead folk to Christ.  I need to do more.

Service to Others - I commit to spend more time in service to others.  Feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and actively engaging in mission work on a consistent basis.  I know I can do more and commit to doing so.

Gratitude - I commit to an intentional mind shift away from regret and towards gratitude.  Whatever state I am in, I will meditate on the enormous blessings God has afforded me.  

Matthew 25:14-30 is the passage of scripture I will be focusing on to be a constant reminder of tending to the blessed resources God has provided.  Reexamining the parable of the talents has been a sobering reminder of the consequence of idleness in the kingdom.  You can read the passage here. 

What is your focus word for the coming year? What call to action have you made for your life?  I would love for you to share so that we might encourage one another in our pursuits.  It is my prayer that we all grow, reach set goals and take care of one another. 

May God continue to bless and keep you.