Wait On You

The world is so unbelievably noisy.  So many messages, so much advice.  We can get turned around so easily.  We are so busy living and going about our daily lives that we sometimes loose sight of the promises of God. To wait is to stay where you are or to delay action until a particular time or until something else happens. It is a place where most of us do not like to be.  We do not like to wait because there is so much anxiety and anticipation as to what might happen.  Guess what? We cannot control what is to come.  We can, however, trust in the Lord who is already IN the what is to come.

When we are lost, hurt, grieving, in pain it feels overwhelming and never ending.  We feel weakened and broken under the weight of the burden or the pain, but God tells us to wait on Him, to be of good courage and HE will strengthen your heart and renew your strength!  I am certainly a witness. I have been in some situations where I just could not see my way.  Listen, when you are in a trial - surrounded by difficulty, don’t let folk tell you that you shouldn’t feel a certain way.  You feel how you feel and when you are in the middle of a storm you don’t typically  want to be chastised.  I feel as if it is almost tone deaf to provide words fraught with “this is what we are supposed to do” statements.  In those moments we want to be comforted by the word of God, not rebuked. This is why oftentimes stealing away into the presence of God is more beneficial than talking to friends about your situation. In the presence of God, even if the message is convicting, it is imparted with love and grace. God's holy spirit will speak to us in a still small voice without a harsh tone filled with condemnation.

Keeping the promises of God ever before us is how we can know that we will be alright. God's promises are sure.  They can be trusted and God will never fail. As difficult as it may be, we've got to see our way clear to wait on Him and trust what He says.   We can take courage in that word, and it gives us hope that even though we don’t see or feel it now, the help you need is coming.

The Bible says that they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; that shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint. This is what happens when you wait on Him. Don’t look at your situation through your own eyes. Look at it through the lens of the Gospel. Try not to allow your present situation to overtake you. Don’t lean on your own understanding and don’t act in your own power.  Wait for God. Seek His direction and instruction and wait for them to be revealed to you.

We should wait on God for everything. Every decision we make, every trial we go through, every situation, great or small we should wait to hear from God and then be obedient to what He says. While you are waiting keep praying, keep worshiping, keep praising Him because you are promised the victory through Christ Jesus.

I don’t know what is next.  i believed that 2021 would be better than 2020. For me, personally, 2021 has been one of the worst years of my life. Through it all, God has been so unbelievably faithful. I don't know what the future holds, but do I know who holds the future.  It is the one who created the universe, who set the foundation of the earth and created and breathed life into each and everyone of us. So no matter what state you are in. Be of good cheer. Be of good courage and wait until you hear from God. He will never leave you nor forsake you and He always makes good on His promises.

Wait on the Lord beloved. Be encouraged today and allow Him to renew your strength in the waiting.

The Beauty of Jesus

Time with Jesus in worship is a time of surrender that I simply could not live without.  I raise my hands and release everything that is weighing me down in that moment without having to say a word, because He already knows.  The peace found in the act of worship is as necessary to me as breathing.

Jesus is the one whom I spend time with and allow to pour into me everything I need to live.  He knows it all. He knows everything about you and me. The good, the bad and the ugly. There is no hiding from Him.  There is no place we can hide that His love will not find us. 

As a child I found myself running to Jesus as a lifeline and a friend.  As an adult He is my comfort, my joy and my help.  He is the only one who I know, without a doubt, will never hurt me, who always has my best interest at heart, and loves me perfectly.

Sometimes, when I feel lost, confused or troubled I simply need to be in the presence of the Lord, experiencing His beauty.  I don’t want to be rebuked or preached to.  I just want to feel what I am feeling in the moment and allow Jesus to comfort me and speak to whatever it is that I am going though.  As I spend time with Him in worship, He speaks to me - gently correcting and leading me.

For those of you who do not know Jesus, allow me to introduce Him to you.  He is indeed the way, the truth and the light.  the son of God. He is the one who suffered, and was crucified as a sacrifice for your sin so that you would be reconciled with His father.  He is the one who will always fight for you - just as He did as the life was draining out of him on the cross by praying, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”.  What a beautiful Christ. What a beautiful savior who continues, even now, to intercede on our behalf. 

Jesus saved me at one of the lowest points in my life.  I will forever be in His debt.  He literally loved me out of the pit I was in and gently led me into the light - so I will forever love Him, praise Him, worship Him and lift Him up.  I will forever offer Him to others as the best thing that has ever happened to me.  

I offer Him to you today and invite you to consider Christ.  I offer Him to you as safety, comfort, savior and friend.  The beauty of Christ, evidenced by the love, forgiveness and peace He provides will transform your life. You have nothing to lose but everything to gain by accepting Him into your heart and into your life, today.  


Life is unpredictable and can change in a moment, but what I know for sure is that God is in control of everything.  Everything that we go through is for a purpose.  Many do not like that fact and would argue that if God loves us He would not allow us to suffer or experience any negativity in life,  in any way. But suffering is a part of life, and the lens through which we look at life is critical in how we view and ultimately engage with and endure, suffering.

Many of us go through difficult trials.  Some of us have very private struggles that are concealed.  Some have struggles that are visible and very apparent.  Whether it’s thinking we are not good enough, guilt, shame, unworthiness, self hatred, being able to trust again after a betrayal, being able to feel whole again after being violated - whatever it is we all struggle with something.

The devil would have us believe that we ARE what has happened to us in an attempt to keep us stuck in a depressed state of mind - but Christ offers us life and a way to survive those difficult struggles.  Through Christ we are over comers.  Even while we are in the midst of the struggle, we can move through the process of healing with an expected outcome of victory, because God promised it to us. 

“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,  I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”.  -Philippians 3:13

To press is to force or push one's way:  to seek urgently.  Through it all, we must press our way forward with the expectation of victory. This does not mean that we should not give ourselves time to heal.  It is important to take time to examine what has happened to us. It is important to allow God to minister to our hearts and spirits so that we will know what to do and how to do it.  

It is important to acknowledge our pain, and allow God to reveal its origin and purpose in our lives.  We must do this as part of the pressing process. Acknowledge the pain and receive what God has for you AS you press.  Your press may start with a crawl. That is quite alright.  Allow God to turn that crawl into baby steps; those baby steps into longer steps.  Before you know it you will be running.  

“I will press, even when I am distressed. I will press, even when life's a mess, oh. But when it hurts I know You're moving on my behalf. I will press. I survived what man said would break me. Your joy gives me strength, and peace abides within. Lord in You, I know that I will win. I will press” -”Press” recorded by Maranda Curtis

You will survive whatever has been done to you.  You will survive the trauma of the awful things you have said about and have done to yourself.  I declare today, that you ARE a survivor, victory is yours.  Not because I say so, but because GOD says so.  

Don’t give up Keep pressing!

Three Amazing Devotionals To Read

Engaging in time with God daily is the highest form of self care for me.  It is the time where I can just be Marsha.  Open, honest and completely transparent.  Having a specifically purposed time set aside to connect with God in worship and the study of His word is life sustaining.  When you study His word and write the contents of it on your heart, you are building up a storage so that when trouble comes, when those hard trials hit, you will have the tools and the strength to endure.

Pray Read Scribe Worship - My Devotion Routine

I prefer engaging in my devotion time in the morning when I wake up.  Most days I use a guided devotion, but sometimes I am led to focus on a particular scripture.  I must admit that sometimes I stay in bed as I work through my devotion routine.

First, I pray, then read a written devotion and enter into study of the content and the scriptural reference provided.  I pray for understanding and the  application of the text to my behavior.  After reading and praying for understanding I write my thoughts on the devotion topic and any questions or struggles I have in relation.  After completing the devotion I move into my worship time.  I typically play a worship song and meditate upon the content of the song while I allow God to speak to my heart.  I always end my time asking God to use me for the building of His kingdom and to give me the strength and resolve to always represent Him so that others might know and believe in Him.

My Top 3 Devotionals

40 Days On The Narrow Road by Dr. Barry Settle

This is an excellent guided devotion that does an outstanding job of leading us to be mindful of staying on the narrow road that leads to life and staying off of the broad road that leads to destruction.  It is so good.  As evidenced by the title, this devotion is 40 days so there are 40 guided devotions.  As a community, we walked through this devotion as part of Lent, but I find myself revisiting these devotions again and again.  You can purchase the devotional here.

You Version - Bible

You Version is a free application that allows you to choose specific topics of the devotions you want to focus on.  A while back I was struggling with finding peace in my workplace.  I entered peace in the workplace and several devotions were suggested.  You version has devotions from 3 days all the way up to 365 days, such as walking through the Bible in a year.  Another thing I love about You Version is the social media aspect of the application.  You can create groups for Bible studies or walk through a devotion with friends.  You can also choose to make your devotion choices public and have people follow you.  Feel free to follow me: Marsha Myers.  I also love that this app will send you notification reminders to read your devotion.  

*On the App Store enter you version bible to find the app.

Jesus Calling

Jesus Calling is a tried and true devotional that never disappoints.  Each day there is a new devotional and I love that there is a note taking feature built into the app.  Sometimes I will read this devotion at work where I do not have my devotion journal available.  It is nice to be able to jot down notes right inside of the app.  I have the free version of the app but you can purchase a premium version which enables the audio feature which will read the devotion to you.  This is great so that you can listen in the car or as you are exercising, etc.  Jesus Calling is one of my favorites.  

*On the App Store enter Jesus Calling to find the app.

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Joshua 1:8

It is my prayer that you carve out some set aside time to spend with God for the purpose of the study of His word and in communion with Him.  It will change your perspective and your heart.

Beautiful I Am

Hey y'all! I sat down with recording artist, author and founder of Beautiful I Am Foundation, Kimberly Douglas.  Beautiful I Am is a non-profit organization geared towards the value, and worth of young women. We had a conversation surrounding self love.  I pray it blesses you!

You can learn more about Beautiful I Am at: www.beautifuliam.org

Welcome to the Modern Day Christian Chick Podcast where we look at every day life through the lens of the Gospel, while having conversations surrounding self care, intentional living, worship, church culture and current events. Hey y'all! I sat do...

Tell Your Story Even When It's Painful

You may order Stephanie's books here:
Casting Your Pearls Before Swine
Afraid To Live: Confessions of a Believer Who Didn't Trust God

If you would like a signed copy of Stephanie’s books, you may email her at alive2tellit@gmail.com and order from her directly.

Don’t give up, stay in the race, and know without a shadow of a doubt that you are loved!

God bless.


I have felt from a very young age the weight of racism.  I felt the pain of exclusion and the constant reminder that I did not belong because I wasn’t equal in the eyes of others.  I attended private school K-12th grade. I can remember begging my parents to let me go to the local public school where I could see some more folk that looked like me or at the very least so I could interact with some kids that are in a similar economic class.  The dichotomy of the worlds in which I existed in as a young person was staggering.  I would  leave the comfort of a loving and supportive home and community only to wake up the next morning and be back in an oppressed space.  Without my support system there, my back was exposed and I felt every blow.

“You’re not black black. I mean you’re black but not like a nigger”.  This was said to me on several occasions.  I am 51 years old and I still remember it like it was yesterday because the sentiment of that statement has been expressed to me over the years in various iterations, even as recently as 6 months ago on my job.  By making this statement you are putting forth the thesis that blackness is undesirable and and that acting in a way that is valuable and acceptable to you is somehow antithetical to blackness.  I am only siting one, but there are a myriad of examples revealing evidence of both overt and covert racism that I encountered in my formative years.  I was traumatized in this space.  Traumatized.  So much so that I have not been to a single annual reunion.  This is no one’s fault and I hold no grudges I released all of that long ago, but the fear of reliving that trauma by being in that space has kept me at a distance.  It even kept me from a memorial service for a classmate I loved dearly, who showed me love, all of the time.  I believe she was an angel that God sent to help me survive. 

As much as my mother instilled in me the importance of my voice, I felt powerless to use it as a young person in that space.  I felt powerless because I was merely trying to survive the moment, the day.  I made myself intentionally smaller to fit in.  But in the end, the truth, beauty, boldness and pride of my Blackness and Christianity that my parents poured into me, won.  “Unapologetically Black. Unashamedly Christian” became my rallying cry.  I allowed my voice to be muted for far too long as a young person and as I entered adulthood I made a promise to myself that I would never again silence my own voice because of the fear of being in a space where I was not welcome.

I watched my mother march, sit in, lock in and navigate white spaces like none other.  I believe she wanted me to have the ability to do the same which is why she wouldn’t let me leave those private schools.  Sigh...The list is too long to site all of her activism but I remember one particular fight - diversifying the faculty and staff at the local college.  My mother was a professor but ultimately found her professional life’s work as a college counselor.  My mother was a Christian.  She was not as diplomatic as my father - not by a long shot.  She turned over tables like Jesus did when the money changers were disrespecting and desecrating the temple.

My father was career military and served his county with distinction and honor.  We laid him to rest in a military cemetery with full honors.  As they folded the flag and handed it to my mother, I thought about all the conversations we had.  I would ask him why he would want to fight for and serve a country who despised him so.  I will sum up and paraphrase his answers which he gave over the years this way - Marsha Joi, God created me for a purpose. I am His child.  I am keenly aware that I am hated for the skin I live in.  (He would say this looking over the top of his glasses with that chin lowered as if to say fall back youngin’ ). Sorry, I digress - had a moment.  He said God fights for me and protects me.  I believe what HE says about me and not what white folk say about me.  I serve a limitless God and reject the limits others try and place over my life. When God gives me an assignment there is not a devil in hell nor a here on earth that can derail His plan - try as they might.  I love people, even when it is evident that they do not love me.  It is not always easy, but it is God’s mandate. I served in the military because I believe in the ideals they wrote down and sold to us.  Seemed like a con job because Slavery and Jim Crow, but the words struck me., never the less.  We the people got my attention. Forming a more perfect union I could get behind.  Promote the general welfare of the people - all for it. I served and fought in the US Army so to defend the hope of living in a society that meets these standards.  My daddy was a patriot, no doubt.  What he was NOT was a Nationalist.

I think about the conversations I had with my daddy all the time.  They never leave me.  When Kaep started taking a knee I thought man,  I wish my daddy was alive to see this. Holding the ideals, of what the flag should represent into account is an integral part of forming a more perfect union.  Judging the actions of this country and the treatment of its citizens is patriotism at its core.  

There was a time where I honestly had hatred in my heart.  The wounds were too deep, my anger unchecked, my heart broken, my soul too isolated.  Then one day I made the conscious decision to allow Jesus into my heart . The weight of the anger and hurt  I was carrying was too heavy.  My dear childhood pastor, Rev. Richard Nance was preaching from 1 Peter 5:7.  “Cast all your cares on Him, because He cares for you”.  I was so broken that I decided to fully trust God in that moment and do just what He said. Over the next few months I began transferring that weight on to God.  I just couldn’t carry it anymore.  The process of that transformation changed me forever.   This is why I do my best (failing on occasion) to temper my words with love because no matter how angry I get, I am a Christian and the banner over me must be love.   All the law and the prophets hang on these two things:  loving God and loving my neighbor.  I must do it.

It is painful to watch your people have to demand and struggle for the justice that is so freely given to others.  It is painful when the ideal is equal justice under the law.  The atmosphere shifted when George Floyd took his last breath.  I feel as if the collective patience of my people left when George Floyd took his last breath.  Demanding as opposed to asking for justice and equality became the prevailing narrative when George Floyd took his last breath.  Racism is woven into the very fabric of this country and it is holding on for dear life.  We all have varying levels of trauma resulting from racism. We all fight it in different ways.  I come up against it in the name of Jesus.  I come up against every evil plan against my people, in the name of Jesus.  As we fight may we use the example of Jesus the Christ.  Not the force fed characterization of the person of Christ but the one that actually exists in the Bible.

I am praying for transformed hearts and healing for the land.

Live in power and in peace…..



I switched things up a bit today to talk about something that is very near and dear to my heart.  This letter to the general public.  It is not meant to offend, but is rather a call to action.  I am compassionate, empathetic, and consider it my responsibility and privilege to offer grace to those who find themselves in difficult situations.  Please know that if you are in distress, emergency or not, and you have no idea where to turn we are here for you.  


Dear Public,

I have heard it all, from the report of the person that “doesn’t belong” in your neighborhood to the lady that called in to report an “illegal alien” because the driver she decided to follow and scream “go back to Mexico” decided to clap back and began following her.

Stop calling and dropping issues that you are fully capable of handling and/or preventing on the doorstep of someone else.  Be present in the resolution of your own problems.

Barbecue Becky is real and she is not alone.  There are several of you out there who believe that you are in danger real or perceived and have decided that your fear is superior to everyone else’s and should be addressed quickly and aggressively by the police.  When you do this you are essentially weaponizing the police department against the person on whom you called.  Stop.

Your words matter and they have power.  When you call 911 and state that someone has a gun when you in fact did not actually see a gun, you have put the public’s safety in grave danger.  While I understand that there are a myriad of reasons why police shootings occur I am going to stand by my assertion that false and misleading representations of what what you are calling the police about is one of those things.  

When you are in distress or eminent danger you may not remember what the person was wearing or what kind of car they were driving or any of the other questions we are required to ask you.  All you may be able to utter is help and that perfectly fine. When you are afraid because of something traumatic you just endured or witnessed you do the best you can and we are here for you 100 percent.

When you call 911 because someone cut you off for that last parking space at the grocery store you have not only prohibited your fellow citizen’s access to emergency services but you have also improperly utilized police services for something that is not only NOT an emergency but is also not a problem for the police to address.  Rudeness and lack of common courtesy is not a crime.  There is no penal code for that.  Accept that some people lack decorum, park your car in the next open spot, then proceed into the store and check off the items on your grocery list. It’s going to be ok.

Public, I would like you to get an understanding on the following:

-In a see something say something culture, calling the police for the smallest of issues is normalized thus putting an enormous strain on law enforcement’s ability to respond to actual emergencies in a timely manner.  Think before you dial those 3 digits. 

-You are often complicit in incident outcomes resulting in fatalities of your fellow citizens.  

-You are often codependent and assume little to no responsibility in the resolution of your own problems.

-There is a responsibility that you have as a citizen when you call the police.  Whether it is the 911 line or a non emergency number.

I fully recognize that some people call the police because they cannot think of anywhere else to call, but there are a myriad of resources to address your problem.  If you are not in immediate danger or the issue is not urgent please consider other resources that may be able to more adequately address your issue. Google is an amazing tool to locate information.  Please use it as opposed to your local 911 operator as a concierge service.

I pray before I take 911 calls.  I pray for the people who will call and be, no doubt, victims or witness of traumatic experiences.  I have loved on folk over the 911 line, I’ve even prayed for a few.  For me, it is all about a human connection.  The people on the other end of the line are real people with real issues and problems.  Please, leave the 911 line open for folks with bonafide emergencies.  Take the time to google the non-emergency number for your local police department for the police to be dispatched on non emergent calls.  In so doing, you are doing your fellow citizens and public safety a great service.


Marsha Joi

15 Gratitude Journal Prompts

In the midst of the Corona Virus, most of the world is at home. I thought I would create 15 journaling prompts to consider while we have some extra time to think and reflect. Journaling is one of my most used self care tools. There is something about moving our thoughts from being bottled up inside to getting it out on to the paper. I am a journal fanatic so I have all kinds of journals sitting around. But you don’t need anything fancy. Just use a regular notebook or simply pen and paper and begin to write as you reflect on these prompts.

These prompts are just to get you started. After this, simply write down the thing you are thankful for every day. A list of subjects is on the first page and the more detailed writing prompts are on the second page. I pray that through this exercise you will come to appreciate what you have and all that God has blessed you with.

Praying blessings and good health upon you all.

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